My List of Original Film Production Company Names:
Never Watch Alone Productions
Don’t Peek
G (L) O R Y
Toe Curling Productions
S**T Your Pants
Purgatory productions
Dripping gore
Bloody scary
Dead Days Productions
Scream in Your Dream Productions
This was my first idea: Scream In Your Dream Productions. However, after having researched production companies, I noticed that most of them had short names, usually one or two words. Also, my idea looked more like a poster than an actual logo.
This was our final idea. I chose the name 'Purgatory Productions' due to its alliteration and its connotations. I had read Dante's The Divine Comedy a few years ago and had always been interested in his idea of hell, as well as those of the Renaissance painter Hieronymus Bosch, as seen in the right panel of The Garden Of Earthly Delights.
As a group, we decided to choose this design because we thought it reflected the horror genre. The colours, red and black, compliment each other through the contrast of light and dark, and the font gives the impression the the words were scrawled in blood. The picture depicts, by Dante's description one Satan's mouths, eternally chewing on the souls of Brutus, Cassius and Judas, drawn by Gustav Dore. Satan is described in The Divine Comedy has having three heads and under each chin are pairs of bat-like wings. As he beats his wings, he creates a cold wind freezes the ice surrounding him and the other sinners within the Ninth Circle. These winds he creates are felt throughout all the other circles of Hell. Satan also does not have the ability of speech.
This design will appeal to the target audience due to their enjoyment of scary films. Furthermore, as our target audience are students, they would most likely appreciate the connotations of the title.
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